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What to bring

  • Two weeks before your child starts, visits will be scheduled so your child can start to settle in.

  • A minimum of five visits is recommended but the more visits the better. During these visits, it allows your child to become familiar with their new environment and get to know the teachers

  • Every child is different and has different needs, this is just a guideline. You know your child well, so we welcome your suggestions and ideas.

  • Please bring their special comforter, this will help your child with settling, having something familiar from home.

  • Please familiarise yourself with the parent policy folder.

  • Changes of clothes / sun-hat / beanie and rain jacket/gumboots in Winter.

  •  Lunchbox - Please provide a healthy lunchbox for your child’s day. We have three sit down meals.

  • We encourage the children to eat healthy food, so please refrain from sending any sweets.

  • We also are a peanut free centre.

  • A drink bottle filled with water.

How parents can be involved

  • We have an open-door policy at Plum Tree, you are always welcome to visit throughout the day.

  • Daily updates about your child’s day and current interests and activities they have participated in.

  • Consultation about goals you want your child to achieve.

  • Updates on our Facebook page.

  • Parent evenings and special days each term.

  • Consultation with our policy review each month - we value your input and suggestions.

  • Trips into the community and daily outings to the park and the bush - we love parents to come along and join in the fun.

  • Monthly newsletters

  • Regular emails to keep you updated on our ‘Centre news’.


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